It’s colder in Chicago right now than it is in Antarctica. And it’s not even close.
So, I ask of you, Snow Belters — and even Sun Staters, I see snow has hit Houston and is forecast for Northern Florida — how are you keeping warm right now?
Because this is a car site, let’s keep it to the car realm. How are you keeping your wheels warm? Do you use an engine-block heater? Do you have garage access or is it outdoors for you? Do you use a car cover? Do you use detailing products to fight the effects of snow and cold?
And so on and so forth.
Again, please keep your answer related to cars. It’s pretty obvious that most of us are coping with the cold by binging TV while sitting under a blanket. I want to know how you’re handling it in terms of your ride.
Go ahead, you know what to do.
Sound off below.
[Image: Another 77/]
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