One of the most common problems plaguing aging cars, in particular those of German origin, is leaking. Whether it’s oil or coolant, there is no denying leaks are one of the most frustrating curveballs your car can throw at you. And head gasket leaks are among the worst kind, considering they often require a complete engine disassembly to be remedied. That is why we are huge fans of the new generations of cylinder head gasket leak fix chemicals. They are cheap. They are convenient. And they do work.
Now, if you ask your local mechanic about the efficacy of these bottled solutions, chances are they’ll give you a full host of far-fetched reasons as to why you shouldn’t use them, and why you should still part with your car for more than a week, and, more importantly, part with thousands of your hard-earned cash and let them do it the old-fashioned way. That’s fair enough. After all, mechanics need to make a living and they don’t exactly have a reputation for putting the customer first. How many horror stories have you heard about someone going into a shop to fix a minor issue and getting slammed with a bill the size of their arm? Besides, mechanics may not have a good grasp of the science that goes into making thee gasket leak fixes. To them, it all seems like witchcraft.
But even if you don’t believe that cylinder head gasket leak solutions work, imagine this scenario: you are browsing the classifieds one day and you see an ad for that BMW or Audi or Merc that you always fancied when you were a kid and it’s finally depreciated to a price you can afford. So you go out and buy it, and the next day you realize it is leaving deposits all over your driveway. You have two options now. One, take the car to a shop, have them disassemble the engine and saddle you with a massive bill to change a gasket that, in itself, costs only a few pounds – and we’re not even going to discuss all the other little and big faults that are invisible to you and only the shops are capable of finding. Or two, you can spend one-fifteenth of that money and at least try the leak fix solution. All you have to do with, say, the cylinder head gasket leak solution, is pour it into the radiator or the expansion tank of the vehicle and go for a drive to let it circulate in the system. Even if they don’t make the situation any better, you haven’t exactly broken the bank.
The chemical engineering that goes into the new leak fix solutions is so advanced that manufacturers such as NoLeaky promise a 100% success rate guarantee backed by a full refund of your money for a year. Moreover, their product plugs the leak of the cylinder head gasket as well as all leaks in the cooling system. They also offer preventative coolant to prevent future leaks. All of this, make trying these products a complete no-brainer before shelling out the big bucks for an engine strip.
The post Got Leaky Head Gasket ? Here’s An Easy Fix That Works appeared first on Motorward.